And Other Wondrous Adventure Stories
and Divine Quotes of Love
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The Master………………………………………..Sri Sri
I Am Home…………………………………… ….Sri Sri
In Praise of the Guru……………………..Shankara
Love is Your Very Nature………………….Dvorah
The Heart of My Guru………………………..Nancy
There is a Story……………………Anandamayi Ma
It Happens………………………….Anandamayi Ma
Let Be!……………………………………………Yogadhi
Revelations of Ho……………………………Yogadhi
One Glance………………………………………..Sri Sri
He Remembered Me…………………………Dvorah
The Guru Comes in Human form…………Sri Sri
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!………………Dvorah
The Divine is Present All Over…………….Sri Sri
Call Me Adorable………………………………Dvorah
Longing…………………………………………….Sri Sri
You Are Service………………………………..Dvorah
The Samurai……………………………..Anonymous
The Student, Disciple, Devotee……………Sri Sri
We Will Breath in Unity Together………Dvorah
Thank You………………………………………Michele
My Little Guru………………………………….Dvorah
Come to Me……………………………………….Sri Sri
The Master doesn’t do anything. There is no
difference between you and the Master, because a
Master is just like a window. He just reflects you. He
doesn’t advise you, or bind you: “You should do this.
You don’t do this. You should listen to me.” He is
there, just like the window. You can catch peck at the
sky. You can peek at the sky through the window. He
reflects you in your totality.
He helps you, brings you up. He doesn’t do
anything, no effort. Just like the candle, the glow in
the candle. It doesn’t take any effort to bring the light
to the room. The candle just burns. The fragrance in
the flower. It doesn’t make an effort to send its
fragrance. It just gets carried away.
The master doesn’t do things to impress you.
No, no, no. He doesn’t do a single thing to make
impression on you. Something that you get from just
an impression doesn’t help.
He invokes. He kindles something that is deep
in you. By its very presence that something that
celebration, gets kindled. That love in the heart gets
kindled. A possibility of a higher love becomes very
clear in our life. That’s what a Master does.
–Sri Sri